Thursday, January 18, 2007

Damn you Maxtor hard drives!

I hate Maxtor hard drives. They suck. My Maxtor (from now on we'll call them CrapStor) 160GB Hard drive just failed. I'm pretty sure it's the mechanical heads that failed as I can hear clicking sounds on my hard disk drive. I ain't ever fuckin' buying a Crapstor again. My hard drive had a shitload of pictures and documents on them, and now they're gone. In any event, if you were just about to buy a Crapstor, I suggest that you don't. Go and buy a Seagate hard drive or something.

So let's look at this shit philosophically. Is it my fault that I chose to buy a Crapstor cuz it was on sale? Or is it their fault that they design and manufacture shit hard drives?


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