Thursday, April 05, 2007

Changing Habits Because of Necessity

I've always believed that you can only change your habits because of need. Let me explain to you why.

I have recently started to recycle all my trash at home. Do I really care about the environment? Not really. I'm going to be dead in 50 to 60 years anyways. Why bother?

But people ask me, "What about your kids? You should care because they will still be alive in 5o to 60 years."

My answer to that question is "Let their generation worry about it." Does this seem selfish? Maybe and maybe not; but it's the damn honest truth.

I currently pay something like twenty-two bucks a month for my garbage collection. This is for a 32 gallon trash can. If I want a 64 gallon trash can, the price is double, like $44 per month. So I just stick with the 32 gallon because it's cheaper. But, the city of San Jose gives me a 96 gallon trash can for recyclable items for FREE. Since my trash bin is not big enough for all of my trash, I find a compelling need to recycle all my recyclable items. This in turn allows me enough room for all of my trash. So now I am an avid recycler. But, I have become a recycler not because I give a shit about the environment but because I have a small trash can.


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