Friday, January 19, 2007

Do you have balls of steel?

So this foolio (variant of fool and Coolio) friend of mine and I were in the same trade; we were going long on DKS (we sold 10 March 50 puts) and the position was going against us. A few days earliier, we closed out our short position on UNH (sold 10 January 47.50 calls) and got ass-raped for at least 3 large between each of us. Now DKS was going against us but we were holding strong. Foolio tells me that we should double down and average down our cost basis for DKS. It would have been a good move but we both hesitated due to the recent big loss on UNH. As it turns out, Foolio was right but we were scared of taking on another loss. We discussed it later, after the fact, and he said to me, "Well you have to have balls of steel and a dick of gold to go into these positions even after a tough loss."


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