Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tribute to Eazy-E

Eazy-E was quite the poet. He was a gangsta rapper when gangsta rap was new and just coming up out of the hood. But this fool died of AIDS. Anyways, here's one of my favorite excerpts from his poetry, a song called "Dopeman" by N.W.A., a group that he was once a part of.

Yeah boy wear corduroy
Money up to here, but unemployed

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Vietbonics is the new Ebonics

African American Vernacular English is known colloquially as Ebonics (yeah this shit is spelled with a capital 'E' because it's the real deal Holyfield). So if African-Americans have their own vernacular English, I believe that Vietnamese people should also have their own vernacular English; I like to call it Vietbonics (note the capital letter 'V' makes it official as well).

Have you ever heard a Vietnamese person speak Vietbonics? Do you know what it is? Well let me expand on this topic in a later blog post, but I just wanted to let you readers know that this Vietbonics shit is real and it does exist whether you think so or not. Perhaps I should contact the Center for Applied Linguistics,, and let them in on this new language we call Vietbonics. What say you?

The cylinder

Do you ever wonder how this shit works? I mean you get inside this long metal cylinder looking thing and you sit there for at least 10 hours, although it feels much longer. And then, one minute you're at the airport in San Francisco and the next minute you're in Taiwan. I mean how does this shit work? How did you just travel 10,000 miles in roughly 12 hours? If you looked on a map, you would say, "Damn, one minute I was here and now I'm there." I guess this thing is called an airplane but I'll never really understand it.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Here's a good blonde joke

A blonde girl keeps walking down her drive to her mail box. She keeps doing this until her neighbor asks her why she keeps doing that. The blonde girl replies “My computer keeps telling me that i’ve got mail”.

Are you too fast too furious?

So I'm driving today on San Tomas Expressway and this retard in his late model Mustang Saleen revvs his engine while we're at a red light. Vroom vroom. And then again, vroom, vroom, vroom. You get the idea. I mean, what the hell do these fucking people do that shit for anyways? Is that foolio auditioning for the next sequel to the movie "Too Fast Too Furious"?

So when the light turns green, he cuts off the car to his left and passes him and then passes the next car to his right. Was that really goddamn necessary? I mean he is probably going to arrive at his destination a whole 3 seconds faster! Oh my God, what am I going to do with the whopping 3 seconds that I saved in my whole day?

So whenever I see these retards drive excessively stupid, I make comments to my friends and we might joke that this guy or that guy is either "The Fast and the Furious" or "Too Fast Too Furious". Yeah, that's you, the guy in the Honda Civic with the huge whale tail spoiler and the modified twin exhausts that makes a shitload of extra noise for no reason at all.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

... to what end?

The quote of the day is "... to what end?". What does this mean. Well I've often thought about the meaning of life and so I was wondering out loud, "What if I had a shit load of money? Would it improve my life?" What would I do with it? So let's say I have some money and I buy this new Apple iPhone? Did it really make my life that much better? Am I all of a sudden that much better off and happier cuz I got this stupid fucking thing called an iPhone? Probably not. "... to what end?"

What if I liked drugs and partying and I threw a party with a bunch of friends and we had a bunch of hookers and cocaine? After the euphoria of partying died off, I would be in the same place/condition as I was before the partying. Partying ... to what end?

I do like travelling so if I had a bunch of money, I would probably go and travel the world. But after I finished travelling the world, what would I do next? Travelling ... to what end?

What are the constant things in my life that won't change; things that have no end? These things are: my family, my friends, my beliefs, and my job (note that jobs do change but working does not change). These things have no end. But these other tangible things/items, they all have an end.

But don't get me wrong, I do think that money is important. Money buys security and it buys these little fucking electronic trinkets that we think we need in order to improve our way of life.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Do you have balls of steel?

So this foolio (variant of fool and Coolio) friend of mine and I were in the same trade; we were going long on DKS (we sold 10 March 50 puts) and the position was going against us. A few days earliier, we closed out our short position on UNH (sold 10 January 47.50 calls) and got ass-raped for at least 3 large between each of us. Now DKS was going against us but we were holding strong. Foolio tells me that we should double down and average down our cost basis for DKS. It would have been a good move but we both hesitated due to the recent big loss on UNH. As it turns out, Foolio was right but we were scared of taking on another loss. We discussed it later, after the fact, and he said to me, "Well you have to have balls of steel and a dick of gold to go into these positions even after a tough loss."

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Damn you Maxtor hard drives!

I hate Maxtor hard drives. They suck. My Maxtor (from now on we'll call them CrapStor) 160GB Hard drive just failed. I'm pretty sure it's the mechanical heads that failed as I can hear clicking sounds on my hard disk drive. I ain't ever fuckin' buying a Crapstor again. My hard drive had a shitload of pictures and documents on them, and now they're gone. In any event, if you were just about to buy a Crapstor, I suggest that you don't. Go and buy a Seagate hard drive or something.

So let's look at this shit philosophically. Is it my fault that I chose to buy a Crapstor cuz it was on sale? Or is it their fault that they design and manufacture shit hard drives?